Policies and Procedures
Our goal at Life Event Staffing is to have the most talented event workforce out there, and one way we will be encouraging everyone to perform at their highest level is through Star Ratings.
Currently, the stars are not yet visible to you on your Armada app but we are working to get this feature added as soon as possible.
It's important that everyone is aware that these ratings are objective, not personal, and they are designed to encourage EVERYONE to become a 5-Star Employee. We actively want you to succeed, and we also want to make sure we are giving you the tools you need to get there. Remember, our Entire Team is only as strong as our Support Staff, aka the backbone of every event!
Here's how the system will work for all Event Support roles at all events:
-Your Event Manager will be asked to rate all Event Support staff from 1-5 Stars, with 5 Stars being the highest rating, and they will have the option to include a sentence or two of feedback about why they chose each rating. All Event Managers will receive an email to rate their support staff after each event, and all ratings will be strictly confidential.
-This system is designed to empower you to be a great performer at each event!
1 Star Rating
Arrived on-time.
2 Star Rating
Appropriately dressed for the event and had a pleasant demeanor onsite with staff and client. Lacking understanding of software and/or event, needs improvement.
3 Star Rating
All 1-2 Star criteria, plus: Understands their duties at the event/event flow, basic knowledge of software, good listener, attentive during onsite trainings, adaptable.
*3 Stars is the BASELINE Rating and should be treated as such by Event Managers when rating staff.*
4 Star Rating
All 3 Star criteria, plus: Great Customer Service- excellent with guests and staff, troubleshoots or directs guests to manager appropriately, outgoing and proactive, a great resource. May still have knowledge gaps on certain elements of software or event logistics.
Important: great customer service is not the only piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving a 5-Star Rating.
5 Star Rating
All 4 Star criteria, plus: Mastery of ALL support elements of software, expected to easily learn new software, always a reliable and valuable staff member at all events.
*5-Star employees will be our GO-TO EMPLOYEES* and will be staffed more regularly throughout the year. The higher your Star Rating, the more jobs you will book!
Event Managers please read: It is extremely important that your Star Rating is completely honest, NOT based on any personal opinions or history with the staff, and genuinely reflects your thoughts on the person’s current abilities. A reminder that your rating is absolutely confidential and no Support staff will know specifically which Event Manager gave them which rating. This anonymity is crucial for us to make sure your feedback is true to the work performed onsite.
As of now, you will only receive follow up from us via email if you earn a 1 or 2 Star rating so that we can learn about areas for improvement and get you on your way to 5 Stars. Again, we won't be able to share everyone's rating with them in the Armada app until Armada adds that feature.
The minimum rating to be staffed for your next event without follow-up is 3 Stars. 3 Stars is not a bad rating!! It simply means there is room to grow into the awesome 5-Star staff we know that all of you are perfectly capable of being.
Your rating will be the average of all on-site ratings received. We are not pre-populating any ratings for anyone.
Remember: Your Event Manager is NOT the appropriate person to talk to about your rating. Please do NOT place any pressure whatsoever on your Event Manager in regards to your rating. All Managers will be rating honestly and in direct relation to your work onsite, and should report to us at support@lifeeventstaffing.com if any staff member pressures them about their rating.
If you have any questions about your rating, please email support@lifeeventstaffing.com
We're truly so grateful for all of your hard work onsite at every type of event!!! Our success as a company doesn't happen without all of you.

(908) 505 2485