Policies and Procedures

On-Site Event Policies & Guidelines 

LES strives to provide a training environment in which all participants may learn, network and have fun in an environment of mutual respect and responsibility. The staff shall conduct and operate its attendance so as not to annoy, endanger or interfere with the rights of other staff, attendees, speakers, clients or event facility staff. Any practice resulting in complaints from any other staff, attendees, speakers, clients or event facility staff which interferes with the rights of others or exposes them to annoyance or danger may result in expulsion from the event, at the discretion of LES. 

LES does not tolerate harassment in any form. Any harassment or intimidation based on race, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, appearance or other group status; sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking, or unsolicited physical contact; or yelling at or threatening any other exhibitors, sponsors, attendees, speakers, staff or event facility staff (verbally or physically) may result in expulsion from the event without a refund, at the discretion LES.