Pre Event Call:
When you are booked on a Classy Live event an introduction will be made to the organization 1 week prior to your event. You will then set up a pre-event call directly with the client.Running Order: Please use our Run of Show Template here to record all event details so you are event ready.
Equipment: You will be required to provide your own laptop for this event. Classy Live uses a third party rental company for their iPads and swipers and all clients are advised to provide these for our support staff.
Event Feedback Form (Mandatory): Please use our Post Event Feedback Form here to feedback about your experience post event. This MUST be filled out before 10am the next working day.
New information update: An admin passcode is needed to sync credit card readers to devices. It is the same admin code for all devices. The code is 07139
Event Day Classy Live Hotline #: (619) 721-3905
IMPORTANT: If the client contacts you for any other reason outside of this pre-event call before or after your event please let Chi know and cc her in on all communication. It is NOT a part of your role to assist them with the platform prior to their event. We must always refer them back to Classy Live support.
Here is the link to the Classy Live Demo Site: https://live.classy.org/
Username (email): support@lifeeventstaffing.com
Password (case sensitive): Life123!
All admin users have the same level of Admin Access.
- Classy Academy: All Classy Live Training Courses
You will need to create your own login and password on this page to gain access.
The specific training course in the Classy Live Academy you need to complete as an Event Support is:
How-tos for event staff (complete entire course)
The specific training courses in the Classy Live Academy you need to complete as an Event Manager are:
- Classy Live Basics (only the below sections are required for this course):
- Welcome to Classy Live
- Message Attendees & Share Event
- BiddingText-to-Donate
- Classy Live Auctions (complete entire course)
- How-tos for event staff (complete entire course)
Classy Live Support Center
March 2023 Product Releases
Open Beta for Stripe CC Readers (not swipers)
Classy Live is integrating with the Stripe BBPOS WisePOS E Card device here. This is an Open Beta. Meaning, the card order form will be made available for Clients interested to Opt-in, to order CC readers. The card readers work by enabling a new payment option when collecting card information at check-in, check-out or in between. Admins could quick pull up an attendee, click to add payment and use the creader to tap, swipe or insert the card. The payment will thereafter be saved to the attendees profile for checkout.
How do Organizations enlist for the open Beta? They can reach out to Classy support.
When will the readers be out of Beta and in general release? TBD, if all is well, shortly after the Beta period.
Is this specific Stripe WisePOS device the only card reader we are integrating with at this time? Yes.
What if I have this exact same device already, can I integrate with my event? TBD
Bi-directional Sync
Enabling Event Admins to directly edit Attendee information within Classy Live. This removing the friction from navigating between Campaign manager and the Event. Initial phase: First name, Last name, Email.
SSO [Single sign-on between Classy and Classy Live]
A single sign on for Admins accessing their Classy and Classy Live accounts. This will leverage the Classy core login. Once released, Admins will only need to login once to be able to access either site.
Question - Does this mean all Classy [core] Admins can access Classy Live? No, This does not grant permissions to Admins that do not have access to Classy Live, it just uses SSO to automatically authenticate their login if they have access.
Max Bid
An optional new feature available on the setup of Silent auction items. If enabled, attendees interacting with a Silent Auction can enter a desired max bid amount. Thereafter, the system will automatically advance their bids until their maximum is reached.
Additional Documentation
Here is a link to our support center. Follow the topic dedicated to Classy Live.
Please see below direct links to all relevant Classy Live articles.
Getting Started
A Tour of your Classy Live Account
Get started with your new Classy Live account
Setting up your Classy + Classy Live Integration
Event Page
Setting up your public Event Page
Sending emails and SMS to your attendees
How to Force Sync Registrations
Get started with your Classy Live auction
Running a paddle raise / direct appeal / fund-a-need event
Collecting payment from your attendees
How to Pay for Items in your Cart (supporter)
Viewing and customizing receipts
How to place bids on an auction item (supporter)
Configuring your Virtual Venue
Using RTMP to stream to your stage from a 3rd party
Using Simulcast to stream to a 3rd party platform from Classy Live
Scheduling videos to play at certain times to your stage
Get to know the Classy Live Studio
Set up networking and your attendee profiles
Troubleshooting: My video / microphone is not working
Troubleshooting: I can't join a room
Text to Donate
How to Text-to-Donate (supporter)
Mobile App
Using the Classy Live mobile app [Beta Product]
Dynamic Displays
How to create dynamic displays for your event
Tables and Seating

(908) 505 2485